Barney rubble flintstones movie
Barney rubble flintstones movie

barney rubble flintstones movie

The actors all play their parts well too, John Goodman and Rick Moranis as Fred and Barney are the standouts but there's nobody here that I thought fell short. Not to mention the sheer scope and execution of the sets, costumes and animatronic and CG dinosaurs are really something to admire, especially for its day. It's also got tons of sight gags and background jokes that you will likely need some multiple viewings to appreciate. It plays like an extended episode of the series, with a plot not unlike something we have seen in our Saturday morning reruns, but loaded with enough clever one liners and risqué humor to elevate it to a much more adult oriented comedy. And unless you just simply are not of a fan of the Flintstones cartoons I don't see how you can not like this film. Now I'm twenty three and I just watched it again and I gotta say, I still think it's pretty damn good. I don't remember anybody out and out hating it, it just kinda got one of those "meh" grunts whenever it was mentioned.

barney rubble flintstones movie

Barney rubble flintstones movie movie#

I was 8 years old when this movie came out and remember really liking it despite the lackluster reviews it received from not only critics but most of my friends as well.

Barney rubble flintstones movie