Although our handless snekkos and scorpios can’t use the usual Athletics-based grappling checks like most other PC grapplers, we’ll make the most of our on-hit attacks to grapple and restrain 1-2 enemies per turn while dealing consistent damage. We can either do this while concentrating on a buff of choice or just while raging, all while absorbing hits in our Wild Shaped body. Our wilderness wrestler has only two goals: grab goons and soak damage. I’ll use RPGBot’s color system to rate features. but they’re always going to be thematic and effective. Builds might not always be best-in-class for damage, tankiness, etc. I design functional, flavorful characters that let players live out specific visions and playstyles while also having a big mechanical impact. Remember: these builds aren’t necessarily about creating D&D’s most overtuned optimizations. Refresher on 5E grappling/shoving rules ( Basic rules, NerdBear, Grappler’s Manual, SkullSplitter, etc.).A bunch of random books for different Wild Shape forms (e.g.I’m also staying in Rules As Written (RAW) rails as much as I can. To make sure readers can bring these characters and concepts to most tables, I’m sticking to official Wizards-published and occasionally Adventure League-legal material. And the only thing I love more than that is when people can actually play my builds. The only thing I love more than playing D&D is designing D&D characters. If you’re looking for a frontline bruiser to dominate the battlefield, the Wildshape Wrassler is ready to constrict, claw, and gobble up any baddie that gets in their way. Starting at level 13, we’ll even be able to cheat Polymorph’s usual concentration restrictions and use a no-concentration Polymorph to become a Tyrannosaurs Rex.

We can either do this while concentrating on the Druid’s best spells, or just while Raging. Our grappler-of-the-week is a primal Circle of the Moon Druid using Barbarian Reckless Attack to secure consistent advantage on grappling abilities like snake constricts and scorpion pincers. Add in some T-Rex Polymorph shenanigans like you’ve never seen before, and the Wildshape Wrassler was born. I knew some on-hit grapplers like fan-favorite Giant Toad, but didn’t realize there were so many good options at every challenge rating. I’d given up on a viable Wild Shape grappler until I really started digging through my 5E material and found a bunch of entries I had either forgotten or never knew about to begin with. Rest in peace, brawling bears and wrestling wolves of my dreams.
It’s bad enough that PHB grappling rules only apply to “a grappler with at least one free hand.” But learning that DMs would have to “adapt the rule for a handless creature?” Ugh. Really, Wizards? “ Hand?” Not “appendage?” Not “body part?” An actual “hand?” I’ve had so many handless Wild Shape grapplers crushed under the tyranny of this rule and its later Sage Advice Compendium treatment.

One of 5th Edition D&D’s lamest rules is grappling’s “free hand” requirement.